"A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves against those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." ... Roman statesman and political theorist Marcus Tullius Cicero

Sunday, April 3, 2011


United States Foreign Military Financing (FMF) which is separate from foreign aid was slightly more than $4.4 billion in 2006. Scroll down to read the list of 63 nations receiving military aid.


1. Israel                            $2,257,020,000
2. Egypt                            $1,287,000,000
3. Pakistan                           $297,000,000
4. Jordan                              $207,900,000
5. Columbia                            $89,100,000
6. Poland                                $29,700,000
7. Philippines                           $29,700,000
8. Bahrain                                $15,590,000
9. Turkey                                $14,850,000
10. Oman                               $13,860,000
11. Romania                           $12,870,000
12. Morocco                           $12,380,000
13. Georgia                             $11,880,000
14. Ukraine                             $10,890,000
15. El Salvador                         $9,000,000
16. Bulgaria                              $9,000,000

17. Bosnia and Herzegovina      $8,910,000
18. Yemen                                $8,410,000
19. Tunisia                                $8,410,000
20. Latvia                                  $5,940,000
21. Lithuania                              $4,460,000
22. Estonia                                $4,450,000
23. Slovakia                              $3,960,000
24. Macedonia                          $3,960,000
25. Djibouti                               $3,960,000
26. Azerbaijan                           $3,960,000
27. Armenia                               $3,960,000
28. Czech Republic                    $3,960,000
29. Lebanon                               $3,710,000
30. Kazakhstan                          $3,460,000
31. Albania                                 $3,460,000
32. Mongolia                              $2,970,000
33. Hungary                                $2,470,000
34. Liberia                                  $1,980,000
35. Ethiopia                                $1,980,000
36. Kyrgyzstan                           $1,880,000
37. Thailand                                $1,490,000
38. Sri Lanka                                 $990,000
39. Panama                                    $990,000
40. Nigeria                                     $990,000
41. Indonesia                                 $990,000
42. East Timor                               $990,000
43. Cambodia                                $990,000
44. Bangladesh                               $990,000
45. Haiti                                         $990,000
46. Dominican Republic                  $990,000
47. East. Caribbean                        $910,000
48. Honduras                                  $890,000
49. Nicaragua                                 $590,000
50. Jamaica                                    $590,000

51. Chili                                         $590,000
52. Tajikistan                                 $490,000
53. Senegal                                    $490,000
54. Moldova                                  $490,000
55. Ghana                                      $490,000
56. Slovenia                                   $490,000
57. Fiji                                           $490,000
58. Turkmenistan                            $300,000
59. Tonga                                       $250,000
60. Belize                                       $200,000
61. Suriname                                  $100,000
62. Guyana                                     $100,000
63. Bahamas                                   $100,000
                          TOTAL       $4,409,190,000 ($4.40919 billion)

Link to a 2005 report outlining how the United States supports repressive, often socialist or communist regimes by giving and selling arms. How many billions have we given away? We may never know.



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